And welcome to my brand new blog! You might have come straight from my Life Update video where I announced that it was launching today, and would have heard lots about the exciting things I've got coming up as well as some of the website's new features. But if you've discovered it in another way, I still wanted a chance to introduce you to katemurnane.com

The photos here were actually taken last Spring (the blossom gives it away) and I was pretty pregnant with Elliot at the time, but I wanted to include them in this post to symbolise the fresh, new start that this blog brings for me, as well as a chance to finally use some photos which I love but never used because I fell completely out of love with my old blog and if I'm honest blogging in general.
I've always been much more dedicated to my You Tube channel, and after countless re-designs over the years, was never truly happy with how my blog looked or worked. Now I'm over the moon with it. It's just my style, and whilst I've been working on it for quite a long time and will continue to tweak and update the design as the weeks go on, I'm finally happy to share it with you.

After being known in the social media world as Dolly Bow Bow for many years, I decided some time ago that I had out grown the name as it didn't fit with who I was anymore. I will always have a special place in my heart from Dolly Bow Bow, it's where it all began, but In the last 8 years I've grown up a lot and feel using my actual name suits what I do so much more now.

So what can you expect to find here?
As I mentioned in my video, the website has 4 main categories, Life, Style, Beauty and Baby and my content will revolve around these topics (as they always have). I want to really up my game this year with bigger and better content, inspiring photography and helpful tips and topics. I'm so glad to have a little piece of the internet that is my own, where I can be free to create content that makes me happy and that you find interesting too. No pressure or anything!!
You can find all of my other social media platforms easily and even watch my videos straight from the website by clicking on the 'video' tab and scrolling through.
I wanted to incorporate a different way for us to interact on the new website so I have introduced a Voice Notes comment section below each post! You can leave a comment, request, question or just say hi! You can try it below! You may have also spotted a 'shop' section which I'm so excited about. Some of you that have been around for a while might know that Dolly Bow Bow started off as an online jewellery and accessories boutique. It was my passion and I can't tell you how much I enjoyed getting to create jewellery collections and design my own pieces and see you guys wearing them. It got to the point where I just didn't have enough time to focus on my channel, my shop and of course my family so something had to give, and unfortunately that was the boutique. I knew it wasn't gone forever though, just packed away in a box until the time was right to bring it back again and give it the attention and focus it needs. I have so many ideas for it swirling round in my brain all of the time, so whilst it isn't something you will see in the next few days or even weeks. I'm excited to see where I can take it in the not too distant future.
I also want to create a page where you can shop my current favourites, be that fashion, somewhere, beauty or my best baby buys. It's something I'm working on now and hoping to add to the website in the next week but I'm just trying to think of what to name it so any ideas will be more than welcome!

​So I guess all that leaves me to say is thanks for taking the time to come and have a look! I hope you like what I've done with the place and are excited to see what's coming up. If you want to be updated when anything new happens, you can subscribe for updates in the footer below.